See a Tasmanian Devil and other natives up close
Bonorong Wildlife Sanctuary is not a zoo. We are a sanctuary specialising in the care and rehabilitation of orphaned and injured wildlife while giving you an up-close and personal experience. All our animals are here for a reason and a significant majority of our funding comes from our generous guests that visit the park. Central to our work is Bonorong's volunteer F.O.C. Wildlife Program; this is Tasmania's first community run wildlife assistance service, designed to help our devoted volunteer carers and the many native animals in need.
Bonorong has been a successful breeding site for Tasmanian devils for well over twenty years. Currently Bonorong houses 17 fantastic devils. A number of our devils are hand-reared and have amazing personalities. Devils are a very misunderstood animal. You will be utterly amazed when you see how friendly and playful these animals can be once a bond is formed with a keeper.
Bonorong Wildlife Sanctuary’s passion and work centres around helping our native wildlife survive. We thrive on educating as many people as possible about how we can all help save, rehabilitate and release injured animals. All of Bonorong’s ‘residents’ undergo meticulous assessments to ensure they are healthy and happy in our care.
To contact Bonorong direct or for wildlife emergencies, phone (03) 6268 1184
Exclusive night time wildlife tour
The ultimate experience for any wildlife lover who thrives on the up close and personal experience! Whether a couple, family or group, this two and a half hour tour is EXCLUSIVE - once you have booked the night tour it is yours, no one else can join your tour.
These intimate tours are not info on the outside. You will be inside the enclosures with our experienced and friendly staff, hand-feeding animals like tawny frogmouths, golden possums, bettongs, sugar gliders and many more. You also have the opportunity to hand feed a Tasmanian Devil. Most of our animals in Tasmania are nocturnal or awake at dusk and dawn. We time your exclusive tour to catch perfect viewing of all the animals. No longer will you see sleeping sugar gliders, wombats and potoroos, all across the park animals emerge from their daytime slumber and reclaim the night. Come and experience the ultimate Tasmanian wildlife evening. Bookings are essential. |