Gay Friendly and Rainbow Tasmania Accredited Operators from Hobart to Tasmania's Far South
The HVE member operators listed below are either gay owned and operated or accredited under the official Rainbow Tourism Accreditation scheme. Huon Valley Escapes only works with operators who are known to be gay friendly.
Corindas Cottages
Huon Bush Retreats
Buttongrass Retreat
Home Hill Beach House
Some resources for the Lesbian, Gay, Bi,
Trans and Intersex Community in Tasmania
Anti-Discrimination Commissioner Administers the Anti-Discrimination Act 1998, provides education to the community and training to the corporate and public sectors.
Hobart Community Legal Service HCLS is a community organisation whose aims are: to foster community awareness of the law; to make the law more equitable and accessible to the public; and to provide free legal advice and referral to the general public in southern Tasmania. Jason Wright - Solicitor at the HCLS - will be happy to help. Hobart Women's Health Centre The Centre is run by women and for women and provides a range of health services. Hobart Women's Legal Service Free and confidential legal telephone advice and referral service. Toll Free: 1800 682 468 Legal Aid Commission of Tasmania Free legal advice, either by phone or at a legal clinic. For the telpehone service, call 1300 366 611 - Monday to Friday between 9am and 5pm. For legal clinics, refer to the current detals on the Commission's website. linkzone Links to information and services for young Tasmanians. Mental Health Council of Tasmania The Mental Health Council of Tasmania (MHCT) is the peak body representing the interests of the community mental health sector in Tasmania including consumer, carer and service provider organisations. The Pinnacle Foundation The Pinnacle Foundation assists gay* youth who are disadvantaged by providing scholarships, under the guidance of mentors and donors. * Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transexual, Intersex and Queer individuals Police GLBTI Liaison Officers This page of the Tasmania Police website lists their GLBTI Liaison Officers. The Public Trustee Government Business Enterprise providing deceased estate and trust administration, will writing, power of attorney services and financial administration. Relationships Australia Relationships Australia is a leading provider of relationship support services for individuals, families and communities. We aim to support all people in Australia to achieve positive and respectful relationships. Relationships Tasmania Provides comprehensive information on the Tasmanian Relationships Act 2003. Rodney Croome Weblog Gay advocate Rodney Croome. Safe at Home Safe at Home provides a response to incidents of family violence, and can include intervention by Police and Victim Safety Response Teams and ongoing counselling and support. The service is concerned with people of all ages - children, young people and adults - and services are offered to people in both heterosexual and same-sex relationships. Toll Free Response and Referral Line 1800 633 937 (24 hours/7days) TasCAHRD Tasmanian Council on AIDS, Hepatitis & Related Diseases. Tasmanian Council of Social Service (TasCOSS) The Tasmanian Council of Social Service is a peak body that lobbies governments on behalf of social service organisations and their clients. Tasmanian University Union Queer Society (QSoc) Queer Students on campus. Click on the link to send an email requesting further information. TasPride Being a TasPride member is about more than just discounts to events year-round – although that IS a pretty special perk, considering that those discounts equal over double the membership fee! It is really about supporting and connecting with other people who are dedicated to celebrating, uniting and promoting the GLBTIQ community in Tasmania. And you don’t have to be Queer to join – we also welcome with open arms our very special ‘Friends of TasPride’. TGLRG Tasmanian Gay & Lesbian Rights Group - a community-based organisation campaigning for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender human rights in Tasmania. Wellington Wanderers Tasmania’s Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual and Transgender Activity Group. Click on the link to email a request for the WW newsletter, which contains details of their current activities. Working It Out A funded service specifically for lesbian, gay, bisexual, intersex and transgender Tasmanians. Youth Network of Tasmania YNOT is the peak body for the non-government youth sector in Tasmania. |
Rainbow Tasmania Tourism Accreditation