Post completion of the civil works, building construction for a new shelter and new toilet in the ‘gateway’ area once you cross the bridge will be underway from Sept to Dec. Sections of the carpark and visitor areas will be closed to the public due to construction, but access to toilets, information, parking and walking tracks will be available and well signed. The carpark in the national park will be open, but have a reduced capacity during the works. Other small toilet construction sites throughout the precinct will be closed to the public during construction and these will be well fenced and signed, and alternate toilets identified.
Ruby is one of the resident wallabies at Huon Bush Retreats. Hand raised, she is now 5 years old and her 3rd joey is quickly growing in the pouch. For the first couple of months after being born, the joey is attached permanently to the teat and is almost immobile. As they grow, they detach from the teat and begin squirming in the pouch. Today, Ruby's joey stretched his legs for the first time. Too long to fit in the pouch, the little feet experienced the cold morning air for the first time. A moment later, joey retreated back into the warmth and security of mum's pouch.
The first obvious sign of spring in southern Tasmania is the wattle trees bright yellow flowers, but look closer and you might notice the unfurling of the ferns, a myriad of wildflowers in the native grasslands and the bulging pouches of the marsupials. A few weeks later, the cherry and apple trees buds open. A perfect time to visit Tasmania before the crowds arrive after Christmas.
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