Huon Valley Huon Pine Celebration Part One
The first public theatre-style screening of Australia's flagship science documentary, ABC Catalyst, in which we coordinated the ascent into the canopy of a Huon Pine. Going to air as part of National Science Week, my participation was directly intended as a forest science engagement strategy. Franklin Wooden Boat Centre also participated. A screening would strengthen their identity as woodworking engineers, and create synergy between forest science and nautical engineering careers. Huon Valley Huon Pine Celebration Part Two
A practical, hands-on intro to dendrochronology workshop at the Geeveston Town Hall. There is a piece of Huon pine approximately 1.5 meters in diameter sitting mostly unnoticed in a corner. It has a simple sign on it indicating 2,000 years in age. We aim to not only make this piece of wood a famous landmark of Southern Tasmania, but also to use it as a science education tool - a chronometer for understanding time. We will bring smaller wooden disks, microscopes, calipers, clipboards, and hand lenses, and show people the basics of how to measure and calculate the historical records embodied in wood. |